Nirvana Beauty Lounge Blog

Mabble Media Mabble Media

It’s All in a Name

Our name shapes our identity. There was a time and place when, if your surname was Baker or Fisher or something with Smith in it, people automatically knew what you did for a living. Even today, what we’re called has been linked to a host of outcomes, including employment success and likeability.

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Mabble Media Mabble Media

Supporting our Northern Nevada Girl Scouts

May 2022 marks Nirvana Beauty Lounge’s third birthday, and Joanne wants to celebrate with you! As a supporter of The Girl Scouts, Nirvana will give each client a free box of cookies when they promote Nirvana on social media anytime throughout the month of May.

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Nails Reno Mabble Media Nails Reno Mabble Media

Diversity: Making Reno Remarkable

Diverse human stories are what makes Reno so remarkable. Joanne Le, the owner and operator of Nirvana Beauty Lounge, brings one such story to our community. She was born in Saigon near the end of the Vietnam War and has lived a lot of life between then and making her way to Reno.

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Nails Reno Mabble Media Nails Reno Mabble Media

Becoming Joanne Le

We’ve all had someone special step into our lives to lend a guiding hand, whether for a few hours or for several years. These people are our family, friends, our mentors, and our teachers. Oftentimes, they change us forever. For Joanne Le, the owner of Nirvana Beauty Lounge, that person was her namesake. 

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